
jean’s first album, becoming, explores identity and relationship through thoughtful and, many times, deeply vulnerable lyrics. Though there is a dark tenor to her music, light always pierces through to bring each song to a complex, yet hopeful resolution.

This album is a “rough draft” and will be refined and re-published in a professional format as time and energy permit.

© 2024 Jean Huth. All rights reserved

all i have

jean’s first “worshipful” album, all i have, shares hope and focuses on how good God is. Using Bible verses and allusions from fellow authors and poets, each song calls us to thoughtful meditation and authentic action.

This album is a “rough draft” and will be refined and re-published in a professional format as time and energy permit.

© 2024 Jean Huth. All rights reserved


artist: jean

year: 2024

© 2024 Jean Huth. All rights reserved

  • Verse 1

    I’ve been erecting fences, on the edges of my heart

    To keep the roving wolves at bay, to keep out the dark

    You keep on asking me to open up the gate

    But I can still smell the whiskey and I know it’s just not safe.


    To have and to hold, I am still holding you

    For better or worse, you are still my heart

    You and I are one, until whiskey do us part.

    Verse 2

    I finally hung up all the pictures, took a chance at feeling whole

    But you stumbled and you broke them, now these walls are bare like bones

    And the blood is slowly draining from this creature we call love

    I’m hanging on here trying to save us, but I am living here alone.


    To have and to hold, I am still holding you

    For better or worse, you are still my heart

    You and I are one, until whiskey do us part.


    You’ve got demons in your closet and they taunt you day by day

    You know you’re going to have to face them before they steal your life away

    And I can only see two endings, either you get well and you stay

    Or I will keep erecting fences, but you’ll be the wolf that I keep away


    To have and to hold, I am still holding you

    For better or worse, you are still my heart

    You and I are one, until whiskey do us part.

    Until whiskey do us part…

  • Verse 1

    I remember the good times, when we laughed until we cried

    Your soul was so much lighter then, and you still had your smile.

    Even though you’re so troubled, even though you’re so blue,

    Take my hand, hold me close, I am right here with you.


    And I will wait for you, I will wait for you, I will wait for you

    Baby, I will wait for you, I will wait for you, I will wait for you

    Verse 2

    Though the night grows darker, and the plenty grows thin,

    And the better it grows worse, this is not the end,

    It just means that we try harder, we learn to forgive

    Yeah we swallow down our pride and we learn how to live


    It was not that long ago, I was the one on the ground

    And you held my head up so I would not drown

    Don’t think that I’ll forget it, all the kindness you showed

    Yeah you’re down now, I get it, but I am here to share the load


    And I will wait for you, I will wait for you, I will wait for you

    Baby, I will wait for you, I will wait for you, I will wait for you

    I will wait for you, I will wait for you, I will wait for you

    I will wait for you, I will wait for you, I will wait for you.

  • Verse 1

    Oblivion never felt so close

    The demons breathing down our necks

    Precipice beneath our feet

    The abyss feels so real right now

    Verse 2

    But everyday we say we’re fine

    We hide behind a thin veneer

    Underneath we’re breaking down

    About to crack and pour right out


    But you say

    “I am here, don’t believe the lies,

    That you’re alone, that you’re without light.

    When things are dark, don’t let go

    Lean in hard, hold my words close.”

    Verse 3

    Why do we put on a show

    To make it look like we’re ok?

    We’re so afraid to open up

    We think we’ll die if we are known.


    But you say

    “I am here, don’t believe the lies,

    That you’re alone, that you’re without light.

    When things are dark, don’t let go

    Lean in hard, hold my words close.”


    I never said this would be easy

    Narrow is the road you walk with me

    But I said I’d never leave you

    Just obey and believe

    Chorus x 2

    You say

    “I am here, I’ve never left your side.

    Things are dark, but I am your light.

    Child, look to me, I’ll never let you go.

    Just lean in hard, hold my words close.”

    Verse 4

    I know you want to close your eyes

    And hope that this all goes away

    But you were called for such a time

    So stand firm in my grace


    “I am here, I’ve never left your side.

    Things are dark, but I am your light.

    Child, look to me, I’ll never let you go.

    Just lean in hard, hold my words close...hold one another close for me.”

  • Verse 1

    I wind these pleasures round my soul

    To make myself seem whole and perceptible

    I drape this glory all around

    In hopes that I’ll be found to be detectable.

    Verse 2

    I cover up the hurt and woe

    With all the grandest shows I have available

    They are just bandages I know

    But you can see me as I go, I am discernable.

    Verse 3

    If I turn off all the noise,

    Will I fade into the void becoming trivial?

    If I stop the constant show,

    Would anyone ever know I’m consequential?

    Pre-chorus 1

    You can see me when I hide

    Behind the picture perfect smiles I am observable

    I’m stacking up the loves and likes

    They give me form and testify, I am substantial.

    Chorus 1

    But when I see you see me, I come undone

    I become so fully real, I become so fully loved

    All these false selves fall away and I’m left with only one

    As your light fills up my life that is when I become…



    Verse 4

    In your presence I can’t hide

    About myself I cannot lie to seem more loveable

    Your gaze, it burns off all my pride

    Sees right through deep inside

    To the detestable

    Pre-chorus 2

    You are unwinding all the lies

    Revealing what’s inside

    I’m reprehensible

    Yet in your hands somehow I find

    I can always lift my eyes

    I am redeemable.

    Chorus 2

    And when I see you see me, I come undone

    I become so fully real, I become so fully loved

    All my false selves fall away and I’m left with only one

    As your light fills up my life, that is when I become...


  • Verse 1

    We miss out on the growing when we choose to not forgive

    We poison the garden we’re tending with the choices that we live

    And all the while we’re starving for a love that satisfies

    But we cannot feel our hunger ‘cause we’re feeding off the lies.

    Verse 2

    We miss out on the knowing when we always hide our face

    The loneliness consumes yet we keep our masks in place

    And all the while we’re thirsting for a love that never leaves

    But we cannot hear you knocking through the noise of all our grief.

    Chorus 1

    Let your light break through, let your light break through in me.

    Let your light break through, let your light break through in me.

    Verse 3

    We miss out on the living when we stop our clocks in time

    When we’re constantly rehearsing all our failures or designs

    And all the while we’re desperate for a love that never dies

    But we cannot see you waiting through our panic-stricken eyes.

    Chorus 2

    Let your light break through, let your light break through in me.

    Let my life tell the truth, let my life tell the truth about all you’ve done for me.

    Let your light break through, let your light break through in me.

    Let your light break through, let your light break through in me.

all i have

artist: jean

year: TBD

© 2024 Jean Huth. All rights reserved

  • Verse 1

    I will sing into the darkness,

    I will shout my song of praise.

    You will push back all the darkness

    While I joyful noise I raise.

    Verse 2

    You know I was never meant to

    Hold this world in my shaking arms

    Beneath the flood of trees and houses

    There are bellies that might starve

    Chorus 1

    So I let go, I let go,

    I fall back into Your loving arms,

    There’s no way I can come to harm with You, I know, so I let go.

    I let go, I let go,

    Your kindness gently beckons me

    To look beyond what I can see and know.

    So I let go, I let go.

    Verse 3

    Deep inside I feel so helpless

    Is there nothing I can do?

    I hear You say, “if you will follow Me,

    There is no one I can’t use.

    Verse 4

    If you really want to be

    Jesus’ hands and feet,

    Then answer when I’m calling...

    In your home, in the world, across the street...”

    Chorus 2

    Let's just go, let's just go.

    Before time began You ordained

    Good works for us to do by faith, I know, I just know, so let's just go.

    Let's go, let's just go

    No act of service is too small

    Our Father’s heart He loves them all I know, so let's just go

    Come on, church, let's go.

  • Verse 1

    Since we’re surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses

    Let’s lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily entangles us, and with endurance let’s run this race

    Verse 2

    Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus, author and perfecter of our faith

    Who for the joy before Him endured the cross despising its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God


    Consider Him, who endured such hostility

    So you won’t grow weary, so your heart won’t faint

    Oh Saints, stand firm, give no ground to your enemy

    For our Father will reward you, if you will just stand firm

    Verse 3

    So far you've not given up your life in struggle against sin

    And have you forgotten the exhortation that God gives, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord

    Verse 4

    For He disciplines those He loves and punishes

    the one that He accepts as His child, as you endure, remember, God is treating you as His own child


    Consider Him, who endured such hostility

    So you won’t grow weary, so your heart won’t faint

    Oh Saints, stand firm, give no ground to your enemy

    For our Father will reward you, if you will just stand firm

  • He has shown you, O, man,

    What is good and what the Lord requires of you.

    He has shown you, O, man,

    What is good and what the Lord requires of you.

    But to do justly and to love mercy

    And to walk humbly with your God.

    But to do justly and to love mercy

    And to walk humbly with your God.

  • Verse 1

    Over in Bethlehem, there’s a baby.

    Vulnerable, tiny, and weak.

    He is dependent on His mother.

    She is singing Him to sleep...while the angels sing...

    Chorus 1

    Love has come!

    To a tired and groaning world.

    If your burden is heavy, His yoke is light,

    Come bow your knee, come lose the best fight.

    Love has come; love has come down!

    Verse 2

    Over in Egypt, there’s a toddler.

    Playing in the sand, no worries in His head.

    He was brought here by His earthly father,

    He's watching Him the best that he can...while the angels sing...

    Chorus 2

    Love has come!

    To a hateful and murderous world.

    If your heart is angry, just turn to Him,

    He can heal any evil, forgive any sin.

    Love has come...


    Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace!

    Lion of Judah, Lamb who was slain, Alpha and Omega, King of Kings!

    Verse 3

    Over on a hill, there’s a man who is dying.

    He could choose to come down from that cross, but He won’t.

    While mortal men mock the High King of Heaven,

    He quietly gives Himself for us all...while the angels sing...

    Chorus 3

    Love has come!

    To a world choosing death over life.

    Come kneel at His feet, receive His free gift.

    There is no other way, He dies and you live.

    Love has come!

    Chorus (Final)

    Love has overcome!

    On the third day, He’ll walk from that grave.

    And anyone who’ll confess and believe,

    He’ll shepherd forever, He’ll save, He'll keep.

    Because Love has overcome, love has come down!

    Love has come! Love has come down!

    Love has come! Love has come down!

  • Verse 1

    If I can speak in the tongues of men or of angels

    If I can prophesy and tell of what’s to be

    If I understand all mysteries and knowledge

    If my faith throws mountains into the sea

    Chorus 1

    If I don’t have love, I’m a clanging cymbal

    If I don’t have love, all I am is noise

    If I don’t have love

    Verse 2

    If I give away all of my possessions

    If I surrender my body to the flames

    If I serve and serve until my back is broken

    If I help the poor in Jesus name

    Chorus 2

    If I don’t have love, my sacrifice is worthless

    If I don’t have love, there is nothing that I gain


    Love is patient, love is kind, does not envy, does not boast, it is not proud

    Love is not rude, does not serve self, is not angered easily, it keeps no score

    Love does not rejoice in evil, but rejoices with the truth

    Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    Love never fails

    Chorus 2

    Help me to love my brothers and my sisters

    Help me to love just the way You do

    Help me to love all of my neighbors

    Help me to love just the way You do, just the way you do

    Help me to love, oh help me to love