story behind the song: oblivion
It was 2020, need I say more? Blaming 2020 isn’t exactly fair, though. For me, complex feelings don’t usually fall into my soul over night. Many times they come from “long ago.” There may be some new behavior that brings to them to light, but they have probably been brewing for quite some time. They have just reached critical mass and suddenly I realize they are there.
So back to 2020…So much had been going on for…years. I was on an emotional healing journey* and moving forward with my authentic actions, but I felt heavy inside. Very heavy. Very dark. I was struggling with knowing why I believed some of the things I believed about God and the world and I was asking God, “How am I supposed to do this? How am I supposed to know what You want me to do? How am I supposed to know you? The world feels like it is falling apart, where are my instructions?”
And then I remembered that God has been speaking to everyone, even me, since the beginning of the world. Sometimes He spoke more directly than others, but He shouted from the mountaintops when He sent His Son, Jesus. And to make sure we did not feel abandoned when Jesus went away for a time, He gave us His Spirit and the Bible.
After I remembered these key points, my next authentic action was to write a song to remind myself. Even when things felt and looked dark and hopeless, they were not. Not only do I have an entire written record to review as much I need, I have the Holy Spirit to make those records come alive again and again.
Like many of my songs, oblivion is a reminder for myself and I am sharing it with you so you can know as well: God is here, He has a plan, you’re part of it, and He has left you and me all of the direction we need through the Bible and His Holy Spirit. Take heart!
*I heartily recommend EHS (Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Pete Scazzero) and I heartily recommend you work through it with true friends or a counselor.
Link to Pete Scazzero’s book site: