“Good job!”

Our main women vocalists (on the praise team) were busy serving elsewhere in the church one Sunday and so I led one of the songs. Later, one of the women texted me and said she had listened to the service and told me “Good job!” I thanked her and felt a measure of gratefulness for her words.

And then I decided to go back and listen to the song and see how I sounded. In comparison* to this woman’s voice and experience, my singing was just…bad…

I was brought to tears by the kindness and humility of this incredibly talented woman who had taken the time to reach out and encourage me. I don’t think she was trying to do anything big in that moment, she was just being herself. But as she did that, I was able to feel so loved by her and by God. Her “Good job!” gave life to a part of me that was faint and giving in to faulty thinking.

I was reminded that everything I do for God is feeble and small and shaky. Everything I do for Him is like a toddler picking flowers from his father’s garden and presenting them back to him as a gift. And because our Father is gracious and humble and loving, He says “Good job!” and means it, every time.

Friend, there is no level of artistry or skill you can achieve that can impress God, but oh, how He loves for you to bring your best. So bring your gifts; He is kind.

*Yes, I agree, I should not compare myself with others. And I agree, leading worship is not primarily about “sounding good.” This is transparency, the good, the bad, and the ugly!


slow loss


pillow forts and butterflies